英语读书笔记 汇总15篇

时间:2022-11-13 15:48:25
英语读书笔记 汇总15篇[此文共854字]

英语读书笔记 汇总15篇 由会员“tianyi58”整理投稿精心推荐,小编希望对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。



Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记

The story includes three parts。They are respectively talking about:Gulliver in Lilliput,in Brobdingnag,and in Houyhnms。

Gulliver travels to the South Seas。On their way to the East Indies,a strong wind carried them to the wrong way。Most of the people died。Some days later,he es to Lilliput,everything is small there。Three days later,he es to Brobdingnag。This country is opposite from Lilliput,the ……此处隐藏7829个字…… obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not。

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty。


Heidi 海蒂

Heidi is a cute and kindhearted girl。She lives in the mountain of Switzerland,and has no mother or father。One sunny day,she goes to stay with her grandfather in his little wooden house,high up in the mountain。She soon has a friend——goat-Peter。She makes Alm-Opa no longer lonely。One day,Heidi’s aunt takes her to Miss Rohmer’s house to be a servant。Later she helps Clara to stand up from the wheel chair,and can even walk more!


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